Read Here Before Anything. ^^: (go back »)

November 2 2007, 5:08 PM

1.I don't reply to comments or messages on but feel free to comment or message me anyways.

2.I go to to only submit my layouts, READ my comments only and accept pending friends requests.

3.If you want to request a layout or anything from me, add me to Myspace and we'll talk.

4.I sometimes hire somebody to code my layouts but the designs of the layouts I make are from me.

5.I don't care if you take off my credit in the navigation since it's always on the layout but don't claim it as yours. I understand it's embarrassing to know that your custom DIV is made from another person but it's wrong defaintly showing that you didn't make it, okay?


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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 comments

Oh..ok!I just take off credit becase then other people know where I got such cool layouts from..

Posted by Kawai-Layouts on Feb 8, 08 7:24 pm

i wanna to know ur last name or email..
i want to add u at myspace as frenz but ur last name..i don't know..

Posted by EshaTM on Nov 15, 07 2:19 am

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  • Female
  • 17 years old


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Made By: Me


Mee :)